December 03, 2007

Sundays will probably never be simple again

But that's alright!

Today started a little more than 5 hours after yesterday ended. I went to bed about 3:30 because T got home about 1:30 and we sat and spent us time until I insisted to myself that I HAVE to go to bed so I can be decent for church. The good things are that T and I got to talk about what we want when it comes to a new place, we looked online for places on a foreclosure site, and that T came along with us to church, so I didn't have to drive! I'm a bit amazed, I wasn't all that tired when I DID drive today, but that might be because it was after we did the Penny Savers, and so I had given myself some energy :-)

Anyhow, church went well. P of course wasn't thrilled by the fact that we left him in the nursery (separation anxiety is not this boy's friend!), but he toughed it out. The good thing is that more and more often the same people are working his room, so they are getting to know him and hopefully he, them. One of the ladies said 'hi' to him just as soon as she saw him, and held him while I went out the door. Last week this same lady had gotten him involved in playing with a car, and so he was distracted enough for me to back out of the room and head off to church. I had to kick daddy out the door, because I knew that if daddy stuck around P'd want to get up on daddy again. As it is, he was reportedly fine up until snack time, because the kids know that mommy and daddy are soon going to come back, so kids are waiting by the door after that. And that sweet little face was in fact waiting for us (it was a log jam, as there are 4 rooms in that hallway and lots of parents :-D), and was happy to see us when we got there! Too sweet to be so's only going to be like this for a little while though! I hope he does as well at MOPS on Tuesday!

The bulletin was different this week, they are doing something really nice with it and frankly it looks a lot more like the ones they had when I was still going to my home church. I hope it's not like this just because it's the first day of Advent. I'm going to have to do my reading (they have a reading pamphlet for Advent that I intend to do) for today and tomorrow as I'm going to go to bed after this. Last night is starting to hit. I've also got to start the Advent project for the kids. I have a lot to do this week, LOL! Next week is the Children's Musical. It's going to be exciting. And a bit difficult as D has to get to the church at 8! She's got to be there for the first service, as they will have it during that one too, and she's got an not unimportant role in it! I'm happy that now she understands that, because she really didn't when they first cast roles----and it really IS an important part!

The sermon was "What if God asks you to give up your throne?" The wife of the couple who are pastors did this one. The character that was referenced in this one was Herod, who was working so very hard to keep from losing a throne that wasn't really his to begin with that he ended up killing many in his family, and others not only in his administration I guess but also just other people. It's ridiculous how upset he got, over just a child. But oh the impact of that child. She spoke of a 1800's hymn that included the line "Take my will and make it thine, it shall no longer be mine" or something like that. The point was that she spoke of being willing are you to lose your "throne", your seat at the table, your position, if that's what God asks. Frankly, how willing are you to do as God asks? She made the point that there are two ways you can end up while growing up, and how they relate to our relationship with God. One you grow up to trust others and trust yourself, and then you are Willing. If you learn that others aren't trustworthy or you can't trust yourself, then you are either Willful or Will-less. Afterwards T and I discussed it, and that perfectly describes each of the boys. T2, T's younger brother, is Willful---he may see himself as very religious, etc, but when we discussed it and went over the traits of the Willful---ornery, controlling, etc---it fit T2 pretty well. I don't need to really explain how D^(D the older, as that's T's older brother's first were aware that why I identify everyone as I do, right?) is Will-less...right now, after all he's been through in his life and even the last few years, he's lost, and has no direction. And T is Willing. This of course doesn't just apply to God, but to their mom too :-S Still...T's very trusting. Even if that's trusting people to not be trustworthy as I define it (it's so interesting learning or relearning T's thoughts and definitions).

After we got home, since D didn't have to leave until 3 for rehearsal and we go to the 10 am service, we went out and delivered the Penny Savers. That took us until 2:45, just shy of when we needed to be out. Poor P, he wanted to stay with daddy, who was laying down to get some sleep before he had to go to work. And P was tired too. But I didn't have the time right then to put him down for a nap. So I had to take a crying and screaming 2 year old out the door to the car, put him in the car, drive back over to the church, and bring the not really calming down but still going to sleep 2 year old back home. He got to sleep on daddy a bit, for nearly an hour and a half, and I got some mommy time in front of the computer.

Then we went to see grandma (who I had called and told why we weren't there). I ended up telling her about what was up with T's mom. She took it about as I thought she would. Whether or not all that is a for sure deal depends on what kind of a place we can find. But she didn't hate us for it or anything. I have to say, I think she still sees T as more of a kid than an adult. But I think he can handle dealing with his mom a day to day basis now. I think he's grown up enough that this will be successful, and we'd end up helping her in helping herself instead of just helping her, IYKWIM.

Then I went and got gas, got D, and home we came, where I told T about telling mom, and he went to work. It was a bit before I made dinner and then brought P in to go to bed, and he got in later than I really wanted, but at least it wasn't a hassle. And now it's nearly 1 again, but I'm going to go to bed soon.

I've got my work cut out for me this week. I've got phone calls to make, a house to clean, but it's all for a good cause, hee hee. T's dad is coming out in a week and a half for a visit. I'm looking forward to it! And I've decided what I'm going to give him to give to his wife for Christmas....they were going to buy some of the Unscented scent, but I'll gift her a set of them (it's not expensive, really), and then maybe she'll be motivated to finally buy them! :-) I would rather get her the votives instead of the jar candle because to me the jar candle seems kinda pointless with no scent, where as with the votives she can spread out the light. But the cleaning is going to be several sets of 15 minutes each (I should get the timer out) of cleaning a couple rooms, then 15 with P and 15 working on roses! :-) They are 3/5 of the way done, and I can then work on dad's scarf, then Rosa's afghan. The good thing is the scarf is also almost done! Then I can start D's shawl, then I can do the bracelets...I'm just over extending myself. I guess it's a habit. :-S LOL!

See you tomorrow, I've got 2 days before I do any memes! :-) I'll have my 10 on Tuesday is already done, though I might revise between now and then. And I might look into doing another one that day---there's another I like, and there's 2 I like for Fridays! Like I said, I just over extend myself :-P
