February 10, 2008

Sunday always starts a new week

Dang it's freakin' freezing! Even in the house---or nearly. It's definitely colder than it should be! The Weather Bug says 2 degrees. And the forecast is 0!!! The wind chill has to be even lower! I didn't deliver the Penny Savers---it was TOO COLD. And I couldn't do it on Saturday because of D's concert. (I think she's first chair! She was 2nd row, 1st clarinet. There was a whole row of flutes before her. But I don't know how "chair" is decided, or placed, or anything like that. Not being a band geek and all.)

Church today was something else. I guess God wanted me to focus just on this today. We didn't go last week because P's cough was so bad. And the 3 of us that went ended up sleeping in. She started a discussion on tithing. Let me just say---this is something that's been weighing heavily on my mind. I want to tithe as much as a I can---I have faith God will provide, I trust that he will, I want to show my love---but I am afraid that my wanting something in return is a disobedience. After service, I stopped and talked with the pastor that gave the sermon, and she really helped me out some.

I'm so dang tired. After I'm done here I'm going to bed.

And guess what? I'm done.

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