May 23, 2006

Tuesday's Fun Markoffs

Okay, today went well so far. The last MAJOR thing I have to do is fold my clothes---but ya know, I've been eyeing them, and I KNOW they will get done TODAY. :-D Haven't gone out to the store yet but - gasp! - the cake is ALL DONE, frosted and made up for my lovely hubby. How? you ask...I MADE the frosting. I figured, I'm feeling good, adventurous, the clean up will be quick, why not? So I looked up vanilla frosting recipes and found a GREAT one. Of course, my first (well, second, but that's because I thought what I did eventually do the sugar and water in was too big, and the directions are a bit shotty) attempt went molasses (very hard molasses...uh, yeah...), but I figured out when was the right time, and poof now I have enough frosting. I swear, I can never get store bought to go that far. And it's so easy to add other things to know, like coloring (got that), flavoring (added vanilla and chocolate---wonder what that raspberry syrup would taste like? Hmm, maybe I'll make a cake for myself next is after all MY birthday...and EXPERIMENT!!!), etc, and get it how you want it. I think it turned out very well. Took pictures too :-D I think I'm sold on making my own frosting!!! It's my second favorite kind (my first being the Light and Creamy over at Tops/Martin's). I'll post the pictures sometime, definitely on my blog later :-D

Breakfast - done
Dressed - done
Fly Mission
Fold T underwear and the sheets - done
Wash & Fold my clothes - half done
Get out a 3 ring for my "How Harry Met Sally's" (connections of who, what, where, when, why for stories) - done, just gotta fill it, LOL!!!
Kage Baker info for "obit" - done, first draft was today's writing, even worked with it a little more earlier
Make cake - done
Get frosting - done (made it)
Dinner = something for T---maybe steak? we'll see - next thing I'm going to tackle :-D - ended up being his hamburgers :-D