Yes, babies, Mommy's having her VERY FIRST contest. And it's going to be an easy one (for the participants at least). Unfortunately it's going to be a QUICK one too, so I can have the prize out for the winner before or as close to Mother's Day as possible!
This contest is in honor of Mother's day. If you are a regular enough reader, you might know that my mom is one of my absolute best friends, and she's been on a long hard road since August 2004. I want to honor her with this contest.
Here's the requirements:
1. On or before May 7th, 2008, email me (angelgal2876 at gmail dot com) your favorite memory of your mom. This is where it can get interesting---your story doesn't have to be about your birth mom. If you are adopted, make it about your adopted mom. If your mom is gone, but your dad filled in the space wonderfully, tell me about him. If someone stepped in at some point during your adult life and filled in the role of mother for you, let me know about them.
2. In order to keep your contact information secure and give you another chance at winning a jar candle, please go to my candle biz site and fill in the contest drawing form. It's not a must, but it's HIGHLY ENCOURAGED. Your information will be kept confidential. Feel free to browse my site some too
The only people ineligible for this contest are those directly related to the judges or myself.
Now, as for what you will win...

1st prize - one 16oz jar candle from my stash (I will email you with the choices)
2nd and 3rd prizes - 6 votives from my stash
The judges:
The great Lou, over on LouCeel.
My WONDERFUL sponsor for the candle biz, Mary Leedy at Success By Candlelight Coach.
Now, hurry up and get your submissions in! I can't wait to hear about YOUR mom!!!
P.S. There will be one for dad starting just after Mother's Day, too! That one will run much longer!!! Promise!
If you want to advertise my contest on your site, please feel free to take this:

What a great contest! When my sister and I were young, my mom assumed the role of child raiser, housekeeper-upper, PhD student AND full time elementary school teacher. Just thinking about that knowing what I know now about how hard it is to keep it all together, I am AMAZED at how she did this. While that is in itself incredible, this is what made those years special. Every day, she would draw a little cartoon (usually about something that happened that day) on me and my sister's lunchbags. I often gripe about having to put my son's lunch together each day. I couldn't even imagine writing two cartoons every night. I still don't know how she managed to do that, but it meant so much to me. My lunchbag cartoon always reminded me that mom was thinking of me. An amazing woman.
Hey Allison, thanks for stopping by :)
Great idea for a giveaway.
Hi Allison!
I can't imagine what it must have been like to be fretting over that final and then to have a bomb dropped in your lap like that... couldn't she have wrote a letter? ;)
I do have a thing for candles! I'll be happy to enter your contest. :)
Happy early Mother's Day
~blog hopping.
What a wonderful contest and prizes! I wish I would have stopped by sooner. I'm not sure if I can whip up a good story by tomorrow. But I'll send you my cliff notes version :)
As much as I love my mom, I can't think of any prizewinning stories to tell. We each seem to think the other is nuts.
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