January 08, 2006

Sunday's PODA

I haven't been working on FLYing on Sundays, but this place is looking so good, how can I not? Plus, I want to get the stuff I want to do for the rest of the week chronicled so that I know what I want to do...just sort of a "Master List" of the things I need to get done around here :-)


Eat breakfast - done
Take a shower - done
Start dinner (put chicken legs in to marinade---will also have potatoes, and some veggie or another, or even a salad! Need to have it all PREPARED by 5pm, so my husband can have some before he goes to work at 6!!!) - done
Eat lunch - working on it! :-)
Post this PODA on blog - done
Wash P's clothes - started
Put away dishes
Dishes - sink filled :-)
Rest and relax most of the day - not a problem!!!
Put dinner in oven by 3:30!
Start potatoes at 4!
Brainstorm on NEFG prize
Brainstorm on rest of week's list
Sort yarn downstairs into projects

Week's Master List
Fold towels/my clothes/Padraic's clothes
Sort VHS tapes/cds for dad/freecycle
Make sure dad comes over to look through books
Email M that books will go to freecycle if not picked up by the end of the month
(Monday) Start NEFG :-P
(Thursday) Buy prize
(Next Monday) Send prize
(Thursday) Send Rachael's book :-D
(Monday-Thursday) Work on Slams
Make up grocery list
Post cd and VHS tape list on freecycle
Convince Christy (and Nancy if she's home) to come over (hint hint)
Clean fish tank
Post fish tank on freecycle (we have 2, small and large)
See about reinstating local long distance
Post past PODA's on blog
Type and print off intro letters :-S