December 19, 2006

This week's additions - updates

Breakfast - done
Shower, brush hair, dress "presentably" - done
(In no particular order)
Start dinner if in the crockpot
- Tuesday - split pea soup - done
- Tuesday, take out chicken for next crockpot night (Thursday) and ground beef for Wednesday d0ne
- Wednesday, take out pork chops for next crockpot night (Friday)
- my clothes - w, d
- towels w
- T's clothes
- crocheted items - next "big thing"
Dishes - some done
Counter - done some
Table - done some
Bring P to doc appt. - done
Make dinner if not crockpot night
- Wednesday - ground beef (goulashlike?) mix
- Saturday - Spaghetti
Sort boys' clothes for J, so I can give them to B on Christmas
Look over bills
Answer letters
Figure out how to send receipt (before New Year's)
Pack T2's box
Finish making kid's stuff
Walk once a day - treadmill or outside
Drink water
Bed about 11 pm