November 14, 2005

Today's PODA

Yesterday was a lazy day/get work done on the roses day. Plus some shopping for what my husband needs for what he wants to do for the windows. At least he wants to do them finally! Here's today's PODA (Parade of Daily Activities):

Get up and dressed - mostly
Go to Credit Union, transfer money back (there's a funny story about that...)
Go to WalMart, get fabric marking pencil/marker, stockings, seam ripper, yard stick/tape measure
Clear computer room floor (or - sort the box in computer room. Which is now all over the floor. DH went through it looking for something, I told him to leave it where it is cause that will motivate me to go through it all)
Hem DD's skirt
Make chili (told dad if he brought the crackers, I'd make chili. I'm to take care of dad some while mom's gone, so dinner is one of those things!!!)

I feel tired still (well, last night I didn't go to sleep until 2), though my teeth don't hurt so much. I'm trying to figure out what it is---I'm not depressed, at least I don't think I am. It could just be a lot of things catching up to me. I don't know...:-\ Not sure if I should be concerned or not...if I'm as tired as I think I am....I should just get out and get more exercise, I think. I really have to set down a control journal, with lots of flex time built in---I can't imagine strictly regimenting my life. I do well with routines and schedules, but strictly regimenting EVERYTHING is just not who I am!!!

Wish me luck!