December 12, 2007

Wordless Wednesday #3 - First in 5 Years!

Check out other Wordless Wednesday Participants!


Vixen of said...

Your first cup of coffee in five years!?!??! Wow.

Happy WW

carmilevy said...

Tim Hortons is a national obsession here in Canada. We're happy to share it with our best neighbors to the south.


So was it good?

Hope you have a wonderful WW. I've posted my contribution here and hope you drop by for a look around:

All the best...


Sassyfrazz said...

Thanks for stopping! I can't imagine giving up coffee for 5 years...or any length of time for that matter!

Happy WW~

Lotus (Sarcastic Mom) said...

Mmmmmm, coffeeeeeeee....

Stine said...

I'm sure you enjoyed it!

Allison said...

I will have another daily update shortly....

But, yes, my first in 5 years. I realized I forgot to explain why when I was reading the post over. I'll include that in my update.

It could have had more flavor---I'm on Weight Watchers (for those who are new), and so I can't add sugar to it. But I LOVE the International Delights flavored creamers, which is part of why I started (Christmas ones just sound YUM). Maybe I'll live with the Points just for that (I prefer Core, even though I've not been perfect), and get some flavorings at Timmy Ho's too!

alice said...

I haven't had a cup of coffee since circa 1987, so it's been about 20 years! (gasp!)

Thanks for the comment on my blog -- it's nice to see a fellow Western New Yorker! You must be enjoying some nice winter weather now!

Kara said...

Love coffee - couldn't imagine giving it up that long!!