Christmas went well. It of course started with the Candlelight Service at church. That was was nice and snowy out when we were driving over, and there was a nice little collection of people attending. The sanctuary wasn't full, I think in part because we went to the later service (even though I wanted to go to the earlier one). T and I had a cup of coffee, and D had a cup of hot chocolate. P went into the nursery just as easily as he did on Sunday. I don't know if I mentioned it, but he walked in, sat down and started playing. I hung his diaper bag up, and got his name tag (which I still have to fill out, I wonder when we're going to get one of our own). He pointed to his back for me to put it on, then waved 'bye'. I was a bit flabbergasted, but left. I guess he's used to it! That's a nice thing, I think, that he's comfortable. But he's always VERY happy to see us return. I wonder what I'm going to have to do to get him to stay while I go to the Foundations classes, since going to the first set will allow me to become a member. I'd like to be able to go to both the classes and the services. And I can't go to the class, then work the room, then go to service or something like that because the class is during the middle service. Still, for this, he went in and started playing. I think either his dad or the lady working the nursery (who is the leader for my Weight Watchers meetings) put it on him. She'd know his name...
The service was nice---the 2 lady pastors (the wife of the male pastor and the other lady pastor) and 3 other members of the congregation provided instrumental accompaniment to the musical director and the rest of the congregation's singing of several traditional Christmas hymns. The male pastor also gave an interesting sermon about "What if the sky opened up and talked to you?" That uses the point of view of the shepherds and their experience of the Christmas story, and how it relates to our time. Then we lit candles and sung Silent Night, and then it was done. There were readings of parts of the Christmas story as well. But, we ended up talking to the male pastor after church about various things, relating to stuff he said during the sermon.
Then we came home, and I got the little guy to bed after a bit, then D and T and I set to doing some baking. First came the fudge, which turned out horribly---I think because I used CONDENSED milk instead of EVAPORATED milk. Then T and I made chocolate chip cookies and banana bread. I made a good 5 dozen cookies, mixing 2 batches together (D helped mix, then she headed for bed). I don't thinking I'm going to double a batch when I mix it ever again, except for banana bread. It was rather irritating, and difficult, but I managed even still. I had all the dishes washed from all that when everything was done baking---we finished up the cookies, then I put the banana breads in the oven. About then T fell asleep on the couch. I took out the little loaves, which I gave to the nurses where mom is, along with 2 dozen cookies, then the big loaf for the family (which had a lot of walnuts in it), then hit the sack. At 3 am.
About 7 or so, P woke up, said something to me, then put his head on my shoulder and went right back to sleep. So little time passed---when he laid his head on my shoulder, I told him "Merry Christmas" and gave him a little squeeze when I put my arm around him, then realize he was asleep when I kissed his forehead! I guess he was NOT ready to get up and open presents, he was just sleep talking or something. The kids both got up around 9/9:30. They loved all their presents. Right now P's in playing with the Giggle and Go Garage, which he's been giggling along with (specifically, with Cookie's laugh) all evening, since we got back home. D did some shopping with both her dad and grandpa, but there were some things I had gotten for her at ToysRUs when T and I went up to Buffalo. I soon learned, however, that our arrival time at mom's was to be 11 or very soon after---which I learned just after 10. I didn't get to take my shower, but we got ready and out by 11:15, and it's just a short drive to mom's. There was lots of gifts---our gifts for dad and B & J were here at home. I only had one thing for each of them, while they had several for us (me and T), but when I said I spent pretty much EVERYTHING on the kids, I meant it! B and J got us a coffee pot (since I mentioned ours had broke the last time I talked to them about Christmas stuff), some flavored coffee (not a big fan), and a stocking for each of us. There is something VERY specific that I would have liked---and I know she remembers about it because she mentioned something to dad about it when he and D were down visiting her while they were doing the shopping for D's Christmas presents. Since D is now 11, and grandpa has no idea how to buy "girlie" things, D went shopping with him for her birthday and now Christmas. I'm sure this will go on for a bit, because I doubt dad will be able to absorb such lessons, LOL
*I took quite a break here, as things pulled me away from the computer. I started this on the it's the 27th. Let me see if I can pick up where I left off*
Anyhow, so we had our brunch before opening the presents, stayed a little bit after opening the presents, I gave B and J their stuff when they got here. I put the bread pudding in the oven soon after we got home, and then put the lasagna in after that was done. We had some snacks, the cookies and banana bread I made went over well both here and at the Home, and Buzz Word was played, and tv was watched.
Sorry, as today was so tiring (for varying reasons), I'm going to get going so I can go to bed.
I will explain what fun we had getting stuff with our Christmas money. :-)