I can't help it, I like alliteration a lot. Sometimes, I also can't think of many other ways to title a post. :-) With the memes, it's easy, otherwise....how do writers do it when they look for a title? Hey, I should know that one!
I've really enjoyed doing memes lately. I've gotten a lot of great responses from this week's Thursday Thirteen (all about T :-D), and my Friday Feast (if you haven't already noticed :-)).
When I first sat down to write this post, I was getting antsy about D and T returning from D's Girl Scout meeting. It's a good thing T is on vacation!
Today's his older brother's birthday, and one of my penpal's as well :-).
Going to McKinley Mall was actually pretty good. We spent nearly $200 on the kids at ToysRUs, and I nearly had a breakdown. Nothing yelling and screaming like, but it was definitely a shock to my system. But we found some great stuff for the kids, and even some stuff I am going to donate...a Totally Me set that was a deal, and an Elmo stuffie that Padraic picked up. He got a big lounging one---and then when I was getting ready to put him in the tub this evening, he put that one and the one I got at a local garage sale that runs all the time in the tub. It was cute, but I was a bit exhausted. Still am, but I'm doing the Penny Savers at the moment. Then we walked around McKinley Mall some, thought about going to lunch (I did not know there's an Olive Garden right there. Now I don't have to go all the way up to the Galleria!!! Woo hoo!), didn't, thought about donating to Channel 2's food drive, didn't, went to Wegman's before deciding not to do the Ch. 2 thing, got some things including 2 pounds of couscous (of course), then came home after getting something at the McD's drive thru. Then came home and wrapped gifts, opened mail, thought about doing a newsletter for our cards (maybe I'll write that on Sunday) because his aunt did one, and then made 6 mini banana breads and one big one. T also made the Peanut Butter Chocolate No Bakes that are becoming our trademark, but they didn't come out right so we didn't bring them to the GS meeting. We will need to do them for the cookie exchange on Tuesday at MOPS.
Now it's my bed time, good night!