Thirteen Things about or I love about my husband, T
Thirteen things about or that I love about my husband
1. He makes no excuses about who he is. WYSIWYG
2. He's my one and only. I knew not long after we met that he was THE ONE. I know now that he's the one God made for me. I'm not interested in looking anywhere else, and even being attracted to a movie or rock star who I know I'll never get makes me uncomfortable. I've really had to go out of the comfort zone I was in while being single (which only lasted until I was 19), and I'm only now getting used to it. 3. He takes me as I am. I don't HAVE to change for him, he loves me for me. This is another comfort zone I need to work myself out of, as at my size certain intimacies are very uncomfortable for me---not physically necessarily, but mentally
4. He loves us like crazy. He'll do anything for us. He's said a million times that he's happiest when he sees us happy. .
5. He's only 5 days older than me. How is it that I had to go 1000+ miles (total---because I had to go down to Basic at Fort Jackson first, then up to Maryland) to meet the perfect guy for me, who came into the world at almost the same time? "Our movie" (okay, it's something I picked) is What Dreams May Come (it's why it's my favorite)---after watching it for the first time, I turned to him and told him I'm not waiting 19 years the next time around. He picked our song---"Keeper of the Stars" by Tracy Byrd....definitely fits :-) (3 facts in 1) 6. He does origami and he's taught our daughter too. :-) 7. He's worked at the same place since the day after our daughter was born. He's been in the union since 1999. I'm proud to wear the t-shirt we got from the union a while back.
8. He loves to take pictures. These will be a feature of a later TT. He has a pretty good eye, too, and we had wanted to enter a few into local contests, but haven't yet. We're going to hopefully try the fair next year---both of us, as I want to enter a crocheted item in as well. 9. He's a great cook. It would be nice if he would go to school for it. There are a lot of things he could go to school for, he's just not confident enough in his intelligence to go to school. Yet. Because he will one day... But come on, wouldn't you love a guy who could make this for you any time you wanted?:

10. He's our tech guy in this house. Every time we have a problem with the computer, he's the one who takes care of it. I do the html (though, ya know, he does too), but he does all the hard stuff with the computer stuffings and software, and how they interact. 11. He wrote me a poem once. Here's the link (it's the first one, the rest are mine): 12. He's 6'4". A full head taller than me, but I like it, I like taller guys :-D 13. He's good looking. He might not be exactly what other ladies like, but each day and time I look at him (and our babies), he (and they) take my heart away :-D
He and the Tour Manager have a LOT in common! (including height) The Tour Manager, though, was always so smug and annoying about his intelligence... Oh, I'm glad he outgrew that.
happy TT! I'm glad you stopped by!
He sounds very nice. Happy TT.
Sounds like you have a keeper there. Happy Holidays!
That's really sweet. I feel the same way about mine and yet....he has never ONCE written me a sonnet or baked me a cake! He's a thirteener; perhaps he will be inspired. The Flatland Almanack (Damozel
Your hubby sounds great! What a nice tribute.
Happy TT!
What a loving tribute. He sounds like a very special guy. Any guy who can bake you a cake like that must be!
How sweet. It is so nice to hear your contentment. Hubby sounds like a gem. You are lucky to have each other. Happy TT
Very sweet... I'm happy for you :)
It makes me happy to see someone else as happy as we are since we are happiest when we make each other happy. Congratulations, and carry on!
Such a sweet post!
Great list, he sounds like a wonderful person! Thanks so much for stopping by! :)
Oh, this was an "" post. It's nice to see someone happy about who they are and who they are with and what they have.
Happy TT-13!
This is such a sweet list. You are both blessed to have each other. Have a great weekend!
What a nice tribute to your hubby~
Happy TT~
I call this a declaration of love ! lol !
What a wonderful, loving tribute. I know the joy of being married to THE ONE for me for 25 years now. I am glad you also get to enjoy it!
Happy TT
You know I never believed in love at first sight until it happened to me. It's one of those phenomena that has to be experienced to be fully understood, I think. Great TT! Your husband sounds lovely, and is obviously very lucky to have such a loving wife.
Lives Less Ordinary
That is so lovely. It's so rare and unusual for women to say nice things about their guys. Good for you for being willing to speak your truth!
And he sounds wonderful. I'm glad you found each other!
Happy TT!
Great cook, good for you! He sounds like a keeper!
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