At least that's what it's called in some circles. Because, if you were to look at the week as a graph, being that Wednesday is the middle of the week in most countries, then it would be the high point, with everything going downhill from there (though really it goes downhill from Monday, huh?).
So, what have I done today? I've worked on my clothes, washing them not folding them yet, and I worked on one container on the futon---transferring most of what was in it into the box on the futon---I wrote one letter of the 7 or so I need to do, and I made the cookies I told mom I'd make.
I'm starting to feel weird again. I had about 4 cookies (2 after they were baked and the other 2 ones that I think P discarded), and I've felt nauseous ever since. I'm not sure why, though I think it might (I hope it is, really) my period coming on again. This is sorta how I felt last month, at almost the same time. Eating dinner helped a LITTLE (capped because it didn't help for long :-( ). Laying next to P while putting him to sleep helped some too. But not much, because I still feel off. I've got to pick up the living room.
Anyhow, I've not been on the computer too much. But when I have I've been on facebook. Thank Cindy for that one :-P
I guess I'll go now, so I can read my bible some, and crochet some and go to bed. :-)
Later. I'll have the Thursday Thirteen up either later this evening or tomorrow. I've got to decide which one I want to do. :-)