January 08, 2008

10 on Tuesday #5

10 best photos of 2007
I had the 10 best moments, but the 10 best photos is better and way more fun! I won't often post pictures of my family (that's saved for such "securable" places as myspace or Facebook, where I can let only certain people see stuff), but these are some real treats! Most are taken by my husband!


I took this one---it's the afghan I made for Sam, a resident at the Home my mom's at who has befriended P. :-)

2.This actually features another one of my projects, because those are the costumes I made for both my kids. He's a Fruity Tootsie Roll that just DIDN'T like his wrapper, and I made a "cloak" and tie for D for being Hermionie. :-)


Little guy playing with his ball out in the parking area in the back. The best place for the kids to play is actually a paved area where cars are often going by, some really fast (so much so I have yelled at the drivers before!). Now you know why I want a big yard (again, the place before here had one, and because they turned it into student housing, they paved it for parking :-P).

Daddy's half asleep, but you gotta love the little guy hamming it up for the camera!!!

He might be a little devil (or Hurricane, as that's his nickname), but you gotta LOVE that smile!!! I think his shirt is very appropriate for him!!!


There's nothing like a Lake Erie sunset! T took this while his brother was here :-)

7.T's always loved taking pictures of fires at night. This was the fire pit while we were camping with his brother, probably the same day as the sunset.

8.A DOUBLE tigerlily. Found on one of the trails in the same park as we camped at

My 2 babies. You gotta love how much they love each other (when refrains of the ever popular "leave me alone" or "mom, he's getting into my stuff" aren't playing). They're going to be great friends when they're older. This is one of his FAVORITE toys :-D


Too cute. He fell asleep on the couch, and managed to get himself in this position. I suppose, he was comfortable! I'm not sure what spilled on the pillow though. Some things around here :-|

Click here to view other 10 on Tuesday Participants.

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