That's pretty much how I've been feeling all weekend. And before that some too, which is why I haven't been fulfilling the Blog365 requirement :-| I don't know what it is, my head hurts some still (as in I often feel like there's cotton up there), parts of me still hurt like the time for my period, I have no motivation to get this place done, all I seem to want to do is sit and crochet or knit. Okay, there's nothing really wrong with that, as this means all I've got left on Rosa's afghan and pillow are to weave in ends. I guess this is going to be shorter than I thought.
I just pray every night that things will be better in the morning, that I will feel up to cleaning this house and doing wash and everything in the morning. :-(
And I'm solid on the fact that I'm going to bed SOON tonight!!! Hopefully tomorrow will be better!!!