I felt GREAT yesterday, but then I stayed up until nearly 2, and had a bunch of candy (hey, the big Christmas colored gum drops at the grocery store were just 27¢ last night, in the markdown bin, and I just HAD to get them. Unfortunately, they weren't as delish as I had hoped, so it was all for nothing.), and played more Cradle of Persia. Right now all I want to do is have the chamomile tea D was good enough to start up for me (at my request), and take a shower. Then I plan on working more on Rosa's afghan, and then go to bed! Hopefully this will get done BEFORE midnight!!! How nice would that be.
So, this morning I woke up with a HUGE headache, and decided going to church just WASN'T worth it. Today is the beginning of Foundations of Harvest, the classes which in part can be taken to join the church. I was totally planning on going to these classes, but with being sick, I'll have to wait until the next round :-|
Then I did the Penny Savers---no choice on that, it's an obligation outside of this house. I felt quite a bit better after that, but it's gone a bit downhill since. Hence my need to get off here and go have that tea and shower!!!