Anyhow, included a stop at Salvation Army. Yay, because I found a nice big bag of Darlaine's Woolblend 4 Ply, just enough hopefully to make a nice shawl. I also ran out to our local art shop---which, sadly, is going out of business :-(, must return to help their last hurrah be fruitful. And with prices at half off right now, it'll be a bargain for me! :-\ I don't like always profiting from other's pain---and bought me a size 11 (one size bigger than the pattern calls for, but it's what they had and I didn't want to wait to lose yet another ebay auction for circular knitting needles that would actually end up costing me a bit more than what these did) 47" (again, bigger but since the circular part is just holding stitches, then I don't think it's so bad) circular knitting needles. And I've already got some stitches on the needle, so I'm going to be truckin'! :-D
I also finished a book---Tough Cookie by Diane Mott Davidson. I like murder mysteries, and I like murder mysteries where the main character is a cook. That all started with Chocolate Chip Cookie Murder by Joanne Fluke, which I picked up at the local library (back when I was actually good about returning my books for once), while I was first nursing P, and I'd read like a mad woman while nursing him. After he started to get bigger and having the light on would really keep him awake, I had to stop, but now I'm getting back into reading. I have stacks of books from and Sally Ann's (Salvation Army if you didn't know) to read now. I added more books today, too, LOL! I even bought D some, which I think made her day---she did seem happy to get them, but greedy at the same time :-| Adolescents! I'm going to go look Joanne Fluke up on PBS here shortly. I found the books on Google just now through Amazon, but if they are in the PBS system, I'm not going to pay for them! :-| There were a few. Some I've already read. I like these books because they have recipes in them. Not that I've used a single one. But it's still interesting, and maybe I'll use them. I'm thinking I'll have to scan them into the computer so that I have them when/if I want them. Not that I use recipes I save to my files in the computer, either. Ugh.
Well, I'm getting tired as Saturday night was after all a late night for me and I haven't completely recovered. So I'll be going, but I wanted to update you some on my life, if you were interested. I think I might participate in tomorrow's usual meme if I'm up to it. We'll see tomorrow. Probably. I couldn't participate in last week's, we don't own this place (though I could definitely come up with a list!).
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