I'm happy about our current bid to get healthier. We haven't gone to the track for about 2 days, but that doesn't mean I haven't tried to find a way to keep moving! Today I told T to drop me off at this one Estate Sale, and to go pick up D---it was down one of the streets we walk when we go over to the track at the college---and that I'd start walking back home if he didn't show up before I was done. Well, he didn't, so off I went when I was done. I wasn't able to find anything he'd really like---small, odd electronics, metal bowls with rings on the side (I think the rings are for hooking the bowls to electric mixers)---but I was able to find 4 books by Debbie McComber, who wrote A Good Yarn, a book I really liked centered around a yarn shop. I didn't find anymore in that series, but the ones I did find look good :-). I've got so many books to read, and so little time to read them in! I also found a bit of knitting related items, including a "How to Knit" book that I'm going to be giving to a nurse where my mom is, who she taught to knit and who I've been helping with some crocheting terms/techniques/etc.
But I wasn't planning on telling you about the yard sale finds yet. No, I was going to tell you---I met T at the corner on that street, where we usually turn. I was coming the opposite way from where we come. I had really hoped I'd get to walk further, but I didn't. There was another bit---oh yes, down the driveway/street of the trailer park. And then a bit of what used to be my route. It felt good not to have to think "I've got to drop a Penny Saver here, but not here, and I've got to put them here and here and here." It felt great to just be walking for the plain joy of walking! :-D
Well, I've got dinner to go eat, I will be blog hopping myself later!!! :-D
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