And soon some things will start looking up. I will start sleeping here within the next half an hour. I could be asleep now, but I had to pick up the floor, then I cleaned all the dishes really quick, and now I'm finishing up my short bit of computer time. Then I will take a shower and go to bed.
I haven't been on the computer much in the last few days. I actually had 2 or 3 periods where I didn't even get on the computer at all for a day, and neither one of us turned it on!!! I had emails backed up from a couple days :-D Yesterday was one of them! :-) I don't know if that trend will continue after next week---we will be getting a new computer tower, and we will be able to use our hard drive with Windows XP. I'm so looking forward to it!!!!! :-D
A bit of happy news---the latest library book to go missing has been found!!! I had left it at the dentist office when T went in to get the last tooth he get root canaled, capped! They called and said "hey, you left your book here, can you come and get it?" Then we went downtown today to send off letters and books, and I went over to return the other 2 I got out, plus look around for a few others. They include some child development books and a couple knitting books. :-)
Bed time for me soon!