Not around here, I don't think.
It's not too bad, it's our anniversary so it's not supposed to be "normal", is it?
We actually got to church about on time...they weren't several minutes into the singing at the beginning of service at least (I'm not so sure if that's a good thing, I'm not crazy about singing you know. You don't want to be near me when I sing, I don't do it well. P's the only one to be *blessed* with that). During that, I pondered the fact that my relationship with T has lasted so long (well, in a lot of circles 12 years is an ETERNITY!), and how to keep that "new" feeling going with God. Well, during the sermon that got answered...Pastor Pam talked about Thanksgiving, and what does it really mean. Part of it is that Thanksgiving, in spiritual/God related form is worship. Something covered in The Purpose Driving Life, BTW. That doing everything and anything, even dealing with those family members you don't want to at the holidays, is a part of worship, as long as you are doing anything and everything you do in His Name. Simply something I have to keep remembering!!!!! Part of why it still feels fresh and "new" with me and T is because he's always there. And that's a given with God as well, so if I can just remember THAT, then I'm in good stead.
The whole nursery situation went well this time---most of the time we've gone he's had a good bit of separation anxiety. This time I put him down and pretty much from then until people started coming to pick other kids up, he did well. He was REAL happy to see mommy though! I'm happy he did so well. I'm hoping he IS getting used to church, and it's something he enjoys. Let's see how he does for MOPS.
When we came home, after going to see mom and getting D from her church play rehearsal, T was just waking up from a good day's sleep. He stayed with the little guy for my first round of delivering the Penny Savers, then she and I went out, then we all went. That was fun.......little guy LOVES being carried by daddy during a lot of things, AND he LOVES to help out (he helped in the clean up after church, in the nursery. I told them, "he LOVES to clean and help out." I'm training him well, he he he....what a lucky girl will get my boy, huh?). Not easy on mommy's nerves on a busy street, even with D and T just about as nervous!
He conked out on the way to drop D at Youth Group, which we did a bit late. Oh well. I didn't try to get him down until about 9, and up until a few minutes ago he was still up. I came in here and started cleaning and sat down about when he asked to go in the crib. Well this time I didn't stay in the room, I didn't go back and pick him up just as soon as he asked....I'm not sure if he's asleep yet or not, but I don't hear him right now. I'll go in soon and check on him. Just as long as he doesn't decide to try to get out (he only does that when he fusses with a lot of "out out out". Little bugger!). He hasn't yet though. He asked, but not really urgently. I'm thinking, he might even LIKE going to bed in his crib. We will see, we will see. I'll ask him tomorrow if he'd like to sleep in his crib again, assuming this works out.
And I'm not even going to TALK about his sister. Sometimes, I tell ya! :-S But God never gives you more than you can handle. Sometimes I wonder if he trusts me too much, or if I'm just falling short!!! :-(
I'm not thrilled about the Bills game. *sigh* Tom Brady sure is cute, but I wanted his team to GO DOWN tonight!!! :-( It doesn't look like THAT'S going to happen. As long as the guys can come back from this, that's all that matters. It just looks like the Patriots have shoes of gold on, that's all. Sorta sad that probably the best thing about this game would be Everret's message to the fans and team, huh? Oh well, what are ya gonna do? Can't say we're used to this by now, but....
You know, we're used to this. :-|
I've got some flowers to go work on, and a little boy to check on.