Wife, Mother, Writer, Knitter, Crocheter, Reader, Tarot Reader, UFO, lots of other things. I post the majority of my stuff on Wordpress, so please go over there. Sorry for any trouble!
May 19, 2008
May 10, 2008
I would much rather be doing this over on Wordpress, but it doesn't seem to want to open up right now, so I guess I'll be talking about this here.
So, this afternoon, I was going through my email like I do a million times a day, and I noticed something interesting. I've mentioned my ex-best friend on here a few times, each time calling her just that, my ex-best friend because that's what she is. Well, I noticed an email from her on the one group we both happen to be in---we weren't in this one when we were friends, but we obviously came to it for much the same reason afterwards. I don't know if it existed before or not, but that's neither here nor there. But, the interesting thing about the email I noticed was her name now.
She got married. Now, you might think that, given the way we parted ways and the fact that I refer to her the way I do, I'd be nasty about this fact in one way or another---but while there were a couple interesting comments from myself and T when I talked to him about it...more than anything, I'm really really happy for her. I don't know if she reads this or not---if she does---well then, yes dear, I do check up on you once in a while, and I do notice your comings and goings at least on the one list, and I do still care some about you. I've noticed you've had some...goings on?...with your new hubby on different networking websites. And yes. I'm very happy that you have managed to find yourself someone to love. I never wanted anything less for you, even though yes I have tried my hardest to completely distance myself from you. It's not that I never had the inclination to email her either. I have sometimes, especially lately in examining myself and my newly refound Christianity. But as far as things like that, I think some things are better off left well enough alone. We've both grown quite a bit since we parted ways...it's sometimes said there are some people who are there with you for a time and a season, and some special people are there for a lifetime. I think with her, it was just for a time. A long time---13 years. I've had closer friends for much longer :-| Mhmmm...much closer :-S :-P Much longer.
The reason I think all this is possible? Because of forgiveness. Now, I'm not saying (in case she's reading) that the exact reason why we parted ways (if you don't know what it is, honey, I feel really sorry for you. It's obvious and even your mother knows.) is all I'm forgiving her for either. That's it's own issue, but I've dealt with our side of that. No, there are things that happened before that...in the year or so before it, that cut me much deeper. I was feeling unsettled about it before we parted ways, but I was willing to at least put up with it for that time. I wrote a post where I talked about forgiving her. It took a while to find it, but I did. And I think this is the first place God really worked in my life. Because within just months, I felt NOTHING when I (think I) saw her. If it was her, then I'm sure she knows when I'm talking about. And I've now come around to the point where I'm happy to hear about such a wonderful event in her life---well, 2. Because she got married in April, and of course her birthday was yesterday, the 9th (You didn't think I really forgot, did you?). I'm happy to see her smile in one of the pictures I've seen of her, because I know how good it feels to feel that happy and be that in love, and I'm happy to see she's found that in someone. Because she was never as happy as she could be when she was with the guy who she was with when we parted ways. I'm glad someone's made an honest woman of her, she deserves it. We all deserve the love and happiness being truly in love can bring.
So, this afternoon, I was going through my email like I do a million times a day, and I noticed something interesting. I've mentioned my ex-best friend on here a few times, each time calling her just that, my ex-best friend because that's what she is. Well, I noticed an email from her on the one group we both happen to be in---we weren't in this one when we were friends, but we obviously came to it for much the same reason afterwards. I don't know if it existed before or not, but that's neither here nor there. But, the interesting thing about the email I noticed was her name now.
She got married. Now, you might think that, given the way we parted ways and the fact that I refer to her the way I do, I'd be nasty about this fact in one way or another---but while there were a couple interesting comments from myself and T when I talked to him about it...more than anything, I'm really really happy for her. I don't know if she reads this or not---if she does---well then, yes dear, I do check up on you once in a while, and I do notice your comings and goings at least on the one list, and I do still care some about you. I've noticed you've had some...goings on?...with your new hubby on different networking websites. And yes. I'm very happy that you have managed to find yourself someone to love. I never wanted anything less for you, even though yes I have tried my hardest to completely distance myself from you. It's not that I never had the inclination to email her either. I have sometimes, especially lately in examining myself and my newly refound Christianity. But as far as things like that, I think some things are better off left well enough alone. We've both grown quite a bit since we parted ways...it's sometimes said there are some people who are there with you for a time and a season, and some special people are there for a lifetime. I think with her, it was just for a time. A long time---13 years. I've had closer friends for much longer :-| Mhmmm...much closer :-S :-P Much longer.
The reason I think all this is possible? Because of forgiveness. Now, I'm not saying (in case she's reading) that the exact reason why we parted ways (if you don't know what it is, honey, I feel really sorry for you. It's obvious and even your mother knows.) is all I'm forgiving her for either. That's it's own issue, but I've dealt with our side of that. No, there are things that happened before that...in the year or so before it, that cut me much deeper. I was feeling unsettled about it before we parted ways, but I was willing to at least put up with it for that time. I wrote a post where I talked about forgiving her. It took a while to find it, but I did. And I think this is the first place God really worked in my life. Because within just months, I felt NOTHING when I (think I) saw her. If it was her, then I'm sure she knows when I'm talking about. And I've now come around to the point where I'm happy to hear about such a wonderful event in her life---well, 2. Because she got married in April, and of course her birthday was yesterday, the 9th (You didn't think I really forgot, did you?). I'm happy to see her smile in one of the pictures I've seen of her, because I know how good it feels to feel that happy and be that in love, and I'm happy to see she's found that in someone. Because she was never as happy as she could be when she was with the guy who she was with when we parted ways. I'm glad someone's made an honest woman of her, she deserves it. We all deserve the love and happiness being truly in love can bring.
I don't know if this is a good thing or anything, but I'm going to be bouncing back and forth between here and my new WordPress blog for a while. I see why everyone's over there, but I can't make it my permanent home until I know whether or not I've got the loan from the credit union for the Fast Start Pack. Hopefully I'll know that Monday or something. How nice it will be to get those boxes, and have all those candles. It will be like Christmas. We'll even have samples of the scents, which is a big thing, and kinda part of the disagreement I had with T was about the other day. Things are better now. Hopefully they will keep getting better. That's what I'm praying for at least, ha ha.
So, if you want to see what else I'm up to, come on over to my other blog, at Wordpress :-)
So, if you want to see what else I'm up to, come on over to my other blog, at Wordpress :-)
May 08, 2008
Contest results!!!
Thank you to everyone who played!!!
All 4 of you!!!
We ended up with only 4 entries. In an odd twist of events, everyone won. Really.
We decided on a point value for each of the places, and that resulted in 2 entrants getting one total, and the other 2 getting another. So....
Congrats to Jim from BusyDad (or not so busy :-\) and Sandy from Momisodes, who tied for first place. You will soon be getting your jar candles!
Congrats also to Witchypoo from Psychicgeek and Elizabeth from A Calm in the Chaos. You will soon be getting your set of 6 assorted votives!
Stay tuned for the Father's Day contest! Which will start right after Mother's Day, on Monday!
And will (a) be in poll form and (b) will be on my new blog, over on Wordpress! Now I see why everyone's over there! :-)
Disclaimer---if I have any references wrong, please correct me!
All 4 of you!!!
We ended up with only 4 entries. In an odd twist of events, everyone won. Really.
We decided on a point value for each of the places, and that resulted in 2 entrants getting one total, and the other 2 getting another. So....
Congrats to Jim from BusyDad (or not so busy :-\) and Sandy from Momisodes, who tied for first place. You will soon be getting your jar candles!
Congrats also to Witchypoo from Psychicgeek and Elizabeth from A Calm in the Chaos. You will soon be getting your set of 6 assorted votives!
Stay tuned for the Father's Day contest! Which will start right after Mother's Day, on Monday!
And will (a) be in poll form and (b) will be on my new blog, over on Wordpress! Now I see why everyone's over there! :-)
Disclaimer---if I have any references wrong, please correct me!
Just a note...
The Mother's Day Memory Contest is now over! We received some good entries, and we will be taking care of the voting tonight and tomorrow (hopefully morning). I will post the winning entries as soon as we have the votes tabulated, and I will be emailing the winners for their addresses (if I don't already have them) then too!
Thank you to everyone who entered, this was certainly an interesting experience! I will be using a poll next time, as I will have more time and this is...difficult to say the least!
Have a good night!
Thank you to everyone who entered, this was certainly an interesting experience! I will be using a poll next time, as I will have more time and this is...difficult to say the least!
Have a good night!
May 07, 2008
The day is finally here!
And wow did it come quick!
Today is that day! To get your entries in so that Lou, Mary and I can look them over, and make our final decisions! I hope everyone who's been through here is deciding what they are going to write for their entry! I'm really looking forward to reading everyone's entries. It's not going to be easy, I know, but it's going to be fun! I will post the winners either last thing tonight (though I'm planning on going to bed really early tonight, since I've had a few later nights than I wanted), or first thing tomorrow morning.
Today is that day! To get your entries in so that Lou, Mary and I can look them over, and make our final decisions! I hope everyone who's been through here is deciding what they are going to write for their entry! I'm really looking forward to reading everyone's entries. It's not going to be easy, I know, but it's going to be fun! I will post the winners either last thing tonight (though I'm planning on going to bed really early tonight, since I've had a few later nights than I wanted), or first thing tomorrow morning.
May 06, 2008
Other than this headache I've got, today's looking pretty good. In just about half an hour I've got to head off for weigh in, I'm hoping for another couple pounds off, even though with my toe I didn't get in nearly as much walking as I did last week. That's okay, I look forward to more later this week :-)
I think the headache started with an Oreo cookie. I seem to get problems with coffee and chocolate, which is disappointing, because what woman doesn't love chocolate. Speaking of which, let me just say that a chocolate covered Justin Timberlake was NOT my idea! As soon as I read that, I asked what demographic was he trying to get? Oh well...you can always insert the hunk of your choice. I'd pick Vincent D'Onofrio, especially in this The Cell days, or T any time. Hee hee. :-D Or Craig Ferguson. Yeah, you know, I've never liked the same guys everyone else likes. I'm just individual that way. But Justin? Ugh!
I think the headache started with an Oreo cookie. I seem to get problems with coffee and chocolate, which is disappointing, because what woman doesn't love chocolate. Speaking of which, let me just say that a chocolate covered Justin Timberlake was NOT my idea! As soon as I read that, I asked what demographic was he trying to get? Oh well...you can always insert the hunk of your choice. I'd pick Vincent D'Onofrio, especially in this The Cell days, or T any time. Hee hee. :-D Or Craig Ferguson. Yeah, you know, I've never liked the same guys everyone else likes. I'm just individual that way. But Justin? Ugh!
May 05, 2008
Monday and weekend over view
Hello all. Please don't forget about my contest! I'm really looking forward to everyone's entries! The time is getting short! I'll also have a Father's Day one (my dad's pretty terrific too, LOL!), so don't think this will be your only chance to win one of the prize packs!!!
This weekend was okay. It's really such a relief to know I don't have to do a thing involving the Penny Saver route! I'm able to move through my weekend relaxed and with confidence. Now I just have to put that relaxation and confidence into my business, and it will be booming!!! :-)
I was fairly productive this weekend. I cleaned off the outside of the fridge and the front of one of my cabinets, all of my wash is (gasp!) caught up, and most of my rooms look good! Today I got upstairs to bring some stuff up, and I brought down a box of toys for P to play with here in the computer room. Included in that are some legos and a few puzzles---the legos were ALL OVER THE FLOOR this evening! The great thing is he contributed in cleaning up! I never really did that with her---and look where we are now :-|
I'm hoping for some good prospects on my candle biz from T's work. A friend of his that T had asked me to give a sample to drove him over for their lunch break (T went in early today, long story), and I gave him the sample candle. Well, he just LOVED it, and ended up saying he'd give other people my card. I gave him a whole handful!!! T won't even bring my biz cards to work. Now, it's not that he doesn't love the product almost as much as I do (despite that fact that he won't admit THAT---but he is eager to give his own sorta "testimonial" and talk about the product when I do), and it's not at all like he doesn't support me...but I don't know why it is he won't bring the cards to work! Maybe he's as shy as I am about giving people my card? Maybe it brings back memories of the cold calling he had to do being a telemarketer (he was when he was out in Colorado trying to make a home for us)? But it's always amazing watching someone smell our candles for the first time. This guy said not to have him smell any because he can't smell well or something, but he just LOVED the Key Lime (April's scent). It was the first one I pulled out cause it was on top. It would have been the Pomegranate if it had shown up today. I'm really hoping for stuff to start looking up for my biz. I want it to work so bad!
No matter what anyone tells you about their home biz---it taking off right away, etc---it's not always easy to start up a business. Perhaps your biggest obstacle can be yourself. You have to have the mindset to win. I've often pondered the whole occurrence of the winner of the Biggest Loser this last time around. She said she could see it from the very first interview. I remember her saying it the first time I saw the video of her and her mother up on those screens, when they went over how much they were taking in. She mentioned it so many times (or at least they didn't edit out her mentioning it) towards the end of the season, it stuck hard in my head, especially at the end. She saw the confetti coming down over her. I've got to struggle out and see....how does that look for me? I've still got a lot of soul searching I have to do.
But I do have to say one thing. My life was touched by the most amazing woman, and by having her as my sponsor, that's the only way I wanted to get into this biz. Because she's been the most amazing support and guide through this whole thing. That's why she's one of my judges for the contest. So you know you're in good hands.
Now contribute. Please?
May 03, 2008
Mommy's First Contest
UPDATE, May 8, 2008 - 12:01am --> The Contest is now over! Thank you to all the contestants!

Yes, babies, Mommy's having her VERY FIRST contest. And it's going to be an easy one (for the participants at least). Unfortunately it's going to be a QUICK one too, so I can have the prize out for the winner before or as close to Mother's Day as possible!
This contest is in honor of Mother's day. If you are a regular enough reader, you might know that my mom is one of my absolute best friends, and she's been on a long hard road since August 2004. I want to honor her with this contest.
Here's the requirements:
1. On or before May 7th, 2008, email me (angelgal2876 at gmail dot com) your favorite memory of your mom. This is where it can get interesting---your story doesn't have to be about your birth mom. If you are adopted, make it about your adopted mom. If your mom is gone, but your dad filled in the space wonderfully, tell me about him. If someone stepped in at some point during your adult life and filled in the role of mother for you, let me know about them.
2. In order to keep your contact information secure and give you another chance at winning a jar candle, please go to my candle biz site and fill in the contest drawing form. It's not a must, but it's HIGHLY ENCOURAGED. Your information will be kept confidential. Feel free to browse my site some too
The only people ineligible for this contest are those directly related to the judges or myself.
Now, as for what you will win...

1st prize - one 16oz jar candle from my stash (I will email you with the choices)
2nd and 3rd prizes - 6 votives from my stash
The judges:
The great Lou, over on LouCeel.
My WONDERFUL sponsor for the candle biz, Mary Leedy at Success By Candlelight Coach.
Now, hurry up and get your submissions in! I can't wait to hear about YOUR mom!!!
P.S. There will be one for dad starting just after Mother's Day, too! That one will run much longer!!! Promise!
If you want to advertise my contest on your site, please feel free to take this:

Yes, babies, Mommy's having her VERY FIRST contest. And it's going to be an easy one (for the participants at least). Unfortunately it's going to be a QUICK one too, so I can have the prize out for the winner before or as close to Mother's Day as possible!
This contest is in honor of Mother's day. If you are a regular enough reader, you might know that my mom is one of my absolute best friends, and she's been on a long hard road since August 2004. I want to honor her with this contest.
Here's the requirements:
1. On or before May 7th, 2008, email me (angelgal2876 at gmail dot com) your favorite memory of your mom. This is where it can get interesting---your story doesn't have to be about your birth mom. If you are adopted, make it about your adopted mom. If your mom is gone, but your dad filled in the space wonderfully, tell me about him. If someone stepped in at some point during your adult life and filled in the role of mother for you, let me know about them.
2. In order to keep your contact information secure and give you another chance at winning a jar candle, please go to my candle biz site and fill in the contest drawing form. It's not a must, but it's HIGHLY ENCOURAGED. Your information will be kept confidential. Feel free to browse my site some too
The only people ineligible for this contest are those directly related to the judges or myself.
Now, as for what you will win...
1st prize - one 16oz jar candle from my stash (I will email you with the choices)
2nd and 3rd prizes - 6 votives from my stash
The judges:
The great Lou, over on LouCeel.
My WONDERFUL sponsor for the candle biz, Mary Leedy at Success By Candlelight Coach.
Now, hurry up and get your submissions in! I can't wait to hear about YOUR mom!!!
P.S. There will be one for dad starting just after Mother's Day, too! That one will run much longer!!! Promise!
If you want to advertise my contest on your site, please feel free to take this:
Not a Sunny Saturday
At least, not outside. Inside it's been better

Hey all! Don't forget to enter my contest, okay? I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's favorite memories of their mother! You've only got 4 more days! If everyone else's memory is like the ones we've already got---we're going to need a whole pallet of tissues! Wow!
Today's been another productive day. I did a lot of cleaning, the dishes are actually----hold on to your hat---DONE! Except for the bowl and spoon next to me (which I'm going to go wash off) and anything that might be in the living room that I didn't know about. My futon is organized, the boxes at the bottom of the stairs are organized, my CDs have been organized. I made dinner (albeit a bit late), P was in bed and asleep by 11 (considering he didn't fall asleep until midnight last night, that's good!), I even wiped down my counter and my cooktop! I've got to pick up my living room (D said she was going to, but she's asleep), and fold some clothes, then I'm hitting the sack until it's time to get up for church! Socks and the papers here on the desk plus the top of the fridge and maybe the shelves and top of the freezer can happen tomorrow!
I'm looking forward to church tomorrow. D's got a Girl Scout thing, so I'm going to be going to the 11am service. I had to miss it last week because I did the March for Babies. I haven't walked nearly that much since Wednesday. My poor toe---it's doing better. Looking forward to being able to get out and walk again. I think that's where all of my energy is coming from.
But it's starting to run out. so I've got to go so I can do those clothes and the toys in the living room!
Hey all! Don't forget to enter my contest, okay? I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's favorite memories of their mother! You've only got 4 more days! If everyone else's memory is like the ones we've already got---we're going to need a whole pallet of tissues! Wow!
Today's been another productive day. I did a lot of cleaning, the dishes are actually----hold on to your hat---DONE! Except for the bowl and spoon next to me (which I'm going to go wash off) and anything that might be in the living room that I didn't know about. My futon is organized, the boxes at the bottom of the stairs are organized, my CDs have been organized. I made dinner (albeit a bit late), P was in bed and asleep by 11 (considering he didn't fall asleep until midnight last night, that's good!), I even wiped down my counter and my cooktop! I've got to pick up my living room (D said she was going to, but she's asleep), and fold some clothes, then I'm hitting the sack until it's time to get up for church! Socks and the papers here on the desk plus the top of the fridge and maybe the shelves and top of the freezer can happen tomorrow!
I'm looking forward to church tomorrow. D's got a Girl Scout thing, so I'm going to be going to the 11am service. I had to miss it last week because I did the March for Babies. I haven't walked nearly that much since Wednesday. My poor toe---it's doing better. Looking forward to being able to get out and walk again. I think that's where all of my energy is coming from.
But it's starting to run out. so I've got to go so I can do those clothes and the toys in the living room!
May 02, 2008
Wow, but today has certainly been BUSY! The biggest thing, obviously, is setting up the contest---I can't stand that it's going to be so short, but I just thought of it and I really want to have the prizes out by Mother's Day.
And my evening isn't over yet, even though here it's after midnight! I've got a few more ideas for Blog Hoppin' and the contest (though I guess I could do the Blog Hoppin' tomorrow), and I've got more work I'd like to do in the kitchen.
Speaking of which, over the last week I've done some really good organizational work on my kitchen. Just this evening I arranged in and around my breadbox (which I don't actually use for bread, because it seems every time I put bread in a breadbox, it doesn't get used and turns all moldy. And I even went and got this one special, when I found it I just HAD to have it, it looks so nice. But explain that for me, will ya? I guess it's just my family [read: hubby] and the way bread is consumed in this house), cleared out my fridge (gotta clean it out too...take out the shelves and wash them down :-S Ewww...), and now I'm working on one of my non-food storage cabinets. It's got 3 shelves, I've already got one cleared out. The top one is for completely non-food things because the ceiling over it has leaked since we moved in. Any time anything is put up there, T has a small freak-out session. The next will have all our meds and vitamins (all over the counter stuff mind you, since NO ONE in this house takes medication daily. Something that with my family medical history always mystifies me. But I better shut up so I don't jinx myself!), and I'm not sure what. I'm not sure about the last either. Though I get the idea this time it will be cleared out much further than the last few times I have done so. I'm starting to think I do this whole clean and sort out the house every year or so. Does that mean I'll eventually get us to the point where we have nothing? That idea is both intriguing (at least for me) and perplexing (also, just for me).
And I even got out and did a little grocery shopping. For food items, I think I'll be shopping at Aldi's a whole lot more, except for a few select things that they don't carry (like brown rice and the ground beef with the fat content I like. I actually prefer the 97% fat free to anything else. Makes me feel better for one, it's definitely Core for another, but I only buy it when it's nearing the expiration date. I'm picky, I know... And milk. How is it that WalMart's milk is fresher than even the local dairy's was??? ). Everything else *sigh* will come from WalMart. That's so sad, that WalMart just comes in and takes over everything. And that we let them. :-S
I also got other things done, like T's wash and stuff like that.
I'd better go, though, before I run out of energy, and I'm up too late typing or playing around on here!
And my evening isn't over yet, even though here it's after midnight! I've got a few more ideas for Blog Hoppin' and the contest (though I guess I could do the Blog Hoppin' tomorrow), and I've got more work I'd like to do in the kitchen.
Speaking of which, over the last week I've done some really good organizational work on my kitchen. Just this evening I arranged in and around my breadbox (which I don't actually use for bread, because it seems every time I put bread in a breadbox, it doesn't get used and turns all moldy. And I even went and got this one special, when I found it I just HAD to have it, it looks so nice. But explain that for me, will ya? I guess it's just my family [read: hubby] and the way bread is consumed in this house), cleared out my fridge (gotta clean it out too...take out the shelves and wash them down :-S Ewww...), and now I'm working on one of my non-food storage cabinets. It's got 3 shelves, I've already got one cleared out. The top one is for completely non-food things because the ceiling over it has leaked since we moved in. Any time anything is put up there, T has a small freak-out session. The next will have all our meds and vitamins (all over the counter stuff mind you, since NO ONE in this house takes medication daily. Something that with my family medical history always mystifies me. But I better shut up so I don't jinx myself!), and I'm not sure what. I'm not sure about the last either. Though I get the idea this time it will be cleared out much further than the last few times I have done so. I'm starting to think I do this whole clean and sort out the house every year or so. Does that mean I'll eventually get us to the point where we have nothing? That idea is both intriguing (at least for me) and perplexing (also, just for me).
And I even got out and did a little grocery shopping. For food items, I think I'll be shopping at Aldi's a whole lot more, except for a few select things that they don't carry (like brown rice and the ground beef with the fat content I like. I actually prefer the 97% fat free to anything else. Makes me feel better for one, it's definitely Core for another, but I only buy it when it's nearing the expiration date. I'm picky, I know... And milk. How is it that WalMart's milk is fresher than even the local dairy's was??? ). Everything else *sigh* will come from WalMart. That's so sad, that WalMart just comes in and takes over everything. And that we let them. :-S
I also got other things done, like T's wash and stuff like that.
I'd better go, though, before I run out of energy, and I'm up too late typing or playing around on here!
Friday's Feast #18
What was your favorite cartoon when you were a child?
I had 2. At one point, I was really big on Garfield. But of all the ones that were on when we were kids, I'd have to say that The Smurfs were probably my most favorite! :-)
Pretend you are about to get a new pet. Which animal would you pick, and what would you name it?
We'd get a cat. I don't know what we'd name it, we'd have to talk about it first. I'd probably let the kids name it though. They are always good for an interesting name for an animal, even if it's stuffed, and if it's just based on the animal itself (like hoppy for a bunny rabbit).
On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how much do you enjoy getting all dressed up for a special occasion?
2. There's nothing really wrong with getting dressed up, but it's not my most favorite thing to do. I make sure to wear a skirt and nice shirt for church, because that's how I was brought up, but I prefer just a t-shirt and sweat pants.
Main Course
What kind of music do you listen to while you drive?
The same as I do any other time I listen to music---country.
When was the last time you bought a clock? And in which room did you put it?
The only clock I can think of that I bought was my alarm clock. And it's in the bedroom. But the last clock bought in the house would have to be the one T bought to put up on the wall so he can open his eyes and look at it to see the time, so he doesn't have to move to see the alarm clock.
To go see other people's Friday's Feast, click here.
Think about joining in on my contest too, it closes on Wednesday, May 7th!
What was your favorite cartoon when you were a child?
I had 2. At one point, I was really big on Garfield. But of all the ones that were on when we were kids, I'd have to say that The Smurfs were probably my most favorite! :-)
Pretend you are about to get a new pet. Which animal would you pick, and what would you name it?
We'd get a cat. I don't know what we'd name it, we'd have to talk about it first. I'd probably let the kids name it though. They are always good for an interesting name for an animal, even if it's stuffed, and if it's just based on the animal itself (like hoppy for a bunny rabbit).
On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how much do you enjoy getting all dressed up for a special occasion?
2. There's nothing really wrong with getting dressed up, but it's not my most favorite thing to do. I make sure to wear a skirt and nice shirt for church, because that's how I was brought up, but I prefer just a t-shirt and sweat pants.
Main Course
What kind of music do you listen to while you drive?
The same as I do any other time I listen to music---country.
When was the last time you bought a clock? And in which room did you put it?
The only clock I can think of that I bought was my alarm clock. And it's in the bedroom. But the last clock bought in the house would have to be the one T bought to put up on the wall so he can open his eyes and look at it to see the time, so he doesn't have to move to see the alarm clock.
To go see other people's Friday's Feast, click here.
Think about joining in on my contest too, it closes on Wednesday, May 7th!
May 01, 2008
Thursday, easy day
Here's something mildly personal for your Thursday evening. Thanks to Sunday and yesterday, my feet are killing me. Especially my left, because one of my toes has a humongous blister on it :-( I can't walk right, and it just seems to be getting bigger all the time :-( I want to pierce it, but I know that's not a good idea so I'm just going to leave it be and pray and hope for the best.
Today was productive though. I did some work in my washroom, straightening the closet in there. And I dragged T's socks and underwear box (yes, a big box) so I can sort through them. I haven't yet, but I will. I want to get out all the socks that aren't his, because there have been a few that have made their way into the box, and I want to get rid of the ones with the holes in them. At first he didn't like the idea, because he thinks I'm attacking all his stuff first, and he's losing stuff, but when I told him why I wanted to search through the box, he was okay with it. Also, I need to figure out a new box, because the one that they're in now is nearly demolished. And we don't have any more of those not in use right now.
I'm nearly done with my idea for Mother's Day. I talked to my sponsor (hi Mary), and she answered my questions :-D
It will be just hours! I promise!
Today was productive though. I did some work in my washroom, straightening the closet in there. And I dragged T's socks and underwear box (yes, a big box) so I can sort through them. I haven't yet, but I will. I want to get out all the socks that aren't his, because there have been a few that have made their way into the box, and I want to get rid of the ones with the holes in them. At first he didn't like the idea, because he thinks I'm attacking all his stuff first, and he's losing stuff, but when I told him why I wanted to search through the box, he was okay with it. Also, I need to figure out a new box, because the one that they're in now is nearly demolished. And we don't have any more of those not in use right now.
I'm nearly done with my idea for Mother's Day. I talked to my sponsor (hi Mary), and she answered my questions :-D
It will be just hours! I promise!
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