Man, today was just friggin' crazy. Not bad crazy, not super crazy---just that little boy gave me a run for my money! I guess part of it was my own fault, from time to time, but man am I happy he's asleep!!! :-) Besides, he's so cute at this point. I find myself missing my LITTLE boy, when I had to do everything for him. I think he's finally getting near the point of full weaning---he only gets breastfed of any form when he's going to sleep one way or another. The length of time is getting shorter and shorter. I think that's one thing I miss the most about having a newborn, is the breastfeeding. Once I really got the hang of it, we had a wonderfully beautiful breastfeeding relationship. Wanting another one would mostly be because of that. Not that I do. Because I really don't want another one. I'm in 2 year old hell!!! :-S But at the end of the day, he's so cute, and they are so loving, and it's just a BLAST watching him learn...*sigh* I just don't want another one, really I don't. I'm trying to convince YOU here, not me. T doesn't mind either way. The way I figure it, though, is that I'm the one who would have to deal with all the physical changes, and the kids in general, day to day, so I've got a large part of the decision.
A controversy that's hit my crochet group as of really late...this website/email platform called Grouply. Have you heard of it? Do you use it? It looks perfectly harmless to me, nothing more really than any other email program, but I am trying to look into it. Please let me know if you've heard about it.
I made my second seriously indulgent purchase today. Half of the money from our tax return, which we've already filed by going to H&R Block, went to the tickets to Colorado in August, half goes to me to use for the first month and security deposit when I finally find a place. But I've been using a bit of it---it's that space right at the end of the last month, and the beginning of the next, where I usually don't have much money to work with because a large part of it goes to rent. Of course, if it's not a 5 paycheck month (I think I've explained this before---payday is Wednesday or Friday at T's work, the money hits on Thursday, so I just go by that as my "money day"), then it's all a crunch. Sadly, even with 29 days February can probably NEVER been a 5 paycheck month (though I can imagine a year when that's possible. It probably just happened before I was born or will happen after I die), at least in my life time. The only problem with the latest purchase---a stereo I've had my eye on since Christmas to replace the one P demolished when he was younger---he took of part of the front when he was like 18 months, and jammed the CD tray, because it was a 5 CD changer, about when he turned 2---the first purchase was the Brew Station I bought...because I got sick of having to worry about carafes getting broken---is the same problem with the last, only that I can't figure this one out---where do I put it that P won't get his hands on it? I have NO surfaces that are even imaginable. Of course, now I have an idea, but it's talking with T about it. Something may have to be rigged. Over the tv. Or some such. An independent shelf. We have no free floating ones...nothing on it's own. I'd put it on the mantle, only P may pull it down...on his head. He managed to tip over a box that happens to have a crate of books for PaperBackSwap on it (how exactly he did it is a bit of a mystery---I think he was in the middle of his favorite pastime----trying to CLIMB UP something. UGH! That precious precious head! :-S). I think it just hit his shoulder. Or scared him. Rained a book or two on him....he seems none the worse for wear though. Like I said, 2 year old hell....I'm sure others have it worse :-S
And of course I'm going to bed way too late. My current obsession....again, Farm Frenzy. It's just horribly addicting!!!! But now I need sleep! Before the clock for camping says "3 o'clock am" UGH ME...
I want to get my act in gear this next week. Please! At least I picked up the floor before I started this email.....