Update on my lists:
Get PSs - done
Fold/Stuff PSs - done
Deliver PSs - done
Bring mom her wash - done
Put away 1 basket/box/tub of things on desk - done on Sunday
Fold and put away my clothes - done on Sunday
Fold and put away basket of stuff sitting here - done on Sunday
Wash basket in wash room - done
Dishes - finished Sunday
Make Italian Chicken - had Sunday
Sunday I can:
Wash Tom's clothes
Do more dishes - need to do more, and will :-)
Fold and put away Tom's clothes
Post about stuff I want to sell - done Saturday evening
Shred candle(s) and make up another bunch of samples, attaching them to cards and catalogs
I did not realize how much time doing the PSs would take. But they all got done in a day. And while I haven't done the tubs that were on my desk yet, I have been working on the boxes of old bills that have been. I got to thinking, what's the point in sorting them out and having them all over the floor when I could just sort them directly into the filing cabinet? I know, duh. But we all have to come the realization on our own! :-) I'm almost done with that---something that's almost amazing considering how long I've been putting it off. I also managed to do some work (though not much) on my new website this weekend. I'll be doing more---I just have the basic framework figured out so far :-)
It's 8:30, roughly, right now, and my little guy is already in bed. I'll accomplish the rest of my new list between now and 11:30. Here's that list!
Finish sorting bills
Pick up what hasn't yet been picked up on the floor
Take shower
Consider what I can take care of in the tubs
Have some tea
This week I will do other things that I haven't done in a while, like mopping my kitchen and bathroom floors, and other things.