You know, it's kinda difficult coming up with blog entry titles all the time. :-S LOL
I was a bit tired there a couple minutes ago, but not anymore :-| Oh, well, I'm still going to bed soon!
I got good news in my email today---my best bro's on Myspace now. What a nice surprise!!! :-D
I'm working on a felted hook case. It's my first felted project. We'll see how it turns out. I don't have much faith at the moment, but oh well. We'll see.
I'm also working on afghans for 2 people at the place my mom's at :-) I collected up the yarn for them out of my "stock" today.
I'm going to turn the second attempt at the tablecloth I liked so much into a yoyo tablecloth. We'll see if it works out.
My goal for this week is to get the other 1.4 pounds to a 50 pound weight loss.
I've had fun on the listing site this week as well.
Tomorrow's T's root canal. That's going to be somewhat *fun*. :-|