December 24, 2006

Christmas list - updates

Make candy - in progress
Make fudge - done - 3 kinds!
Make cookies D and B like - done
Prep lasagnas for Christmas - tonight
Shop for Christmas dinner - done
Wrap dad's gift from my mom - done
Wrap mom's gift - done
Wrap DD's last gift - done
Wrap dad's afghan - done
Make snowflakes - in progress - still in progress.  I'm thinking I'll starch them and hang them tonight.  :-)
Make bear for P - probably after doesn't have to be for Christmas.  The kids will take what I make at anytime, LOL!!!!

T's working on the last batch of candy right now.  I'm going to go in the living room, so we can all weed through my recordings of Good Eats, and we'll wait for P's godfather to show up.  He's supposed to (when T went back to the union Christmas party to pick up the gift certificate from Quality that we won, he said he was going to.  I'm going to have him call J soon to see when he might show up.  He was a bit tipsy when he said he would).   We ran into J's wife at WalMart when we got a couple things while D was out with my dad, and she told us he was back.  We thought he was already in Iraq---turns out he just left for some training, and he will be going to Iraq soon.  He's in the Army Reserves.  I'm looking forward to seeing him, and D was a bit disappointed to find out he had left already, cause he had said at the going away party his coworkers had thrown for him (way back in like September....that's the Army for ya, hurry up and wait!) that he'd come visit us before he left.  I hope he does show up, that's the whole reason I insisted we try to get my dad to watch the kids for just a little bit after he and D came back. 

Well, I'm going to watch my hubby make the last batch of hard candy :-)

December 22, 2006

Christmas list

This is what I have left to do before Christmas. It comes from an email I wrote to the Flying group :-) Half of what I have left to do I will do Christmas eve. But it will all be fun :-)

Make candy
Make fudge
Make cookies D and B like
Prep lasagnas for Christmas
Shop for Christmas dinner - done
Wrap dad's gift from my mom - done
Wrap mom's gift - done
Wrap DD's last gift - done
Wrap dad's afghan - done
Make snowflakes - in progress
Make bear for P

December 20, 2006

This week's addition - updates

Figured I'd go over this and see what I have done (yesterday) plus what I have to do before I start getting discouraged!!!

Breakfast - done (TW)
Shower, brush hair, dress "presentably" - done (TW)
(In no particular order)
Start dinner if in the crockpot
 - Tuesday - split pea soup - done (T)
 - Tuesday, take out chicken for next crockpot night (Thursday) and ground beef for
Wednesday - (done T)  Gotta figure out if the chicken will fit in my smaller crockpot, as my slightly larger one seems to have bit the dust.  It did NOT cook the pea soup like it's supposed to :-(
 - Wednesday, take out pork chops for next crockpot night (Friday)
  - my clothes - w,d
  - towels - w,d
  - T's clothes - gotta collect, when P gets up
  - crocheted items - collecting, just have to finish the bear and the angel scrubbie if I decide to make it.  It's a fairly quick project to do.
Dishes - in progress
Counter - nearly done
Table - clearer than it was yesterday
Desk - cleared/organized
Bring Padraic to doc appt. - done
Make dinner if not crockpot night 
- Wednesday - ground beef (goulashlike?) mix
 - Saturday - Spaghetti
Bucket - sorted a bunch out
Sort boys' clothes for J, so I can give them to B on Christmas
Look over bills - this week's have been written and prepped for paying.  I've also figured out how I will take care of the nonrent bill next week (as long as I can hold on to my savings)
Answer letters - T2's the only one I have to answer as of right now, and that's started.  I'll finish it tonight, about when I pack the box for them :-)
Figure out how to send receipt (before New Year's)
Pack T2's box
Finish making kid's stuff
Walk once a day - treadmill or outside
Drink water
Bed about 11 pm - okay, so last night it was by 12am.  I've definitely got to get to bed by 11/11:30, I feel better then!

December 19, 2006

This week's additions - updates

Breakfast - done
Shower, brush hair, dress "presentably" - done
(In no particular order)
Start dinner if in the crockpot
- Tuesday - split pea soup - done
- Tuesday, take out chicken for next crockpot night (Thursday) and ground beef for Wednesday d0ne
- Wednesday, take out pork chops for next crockpot night (Friday)
- my clothes - w, d
- towels w
- T's clothes
- crocheted items - next "big thing"
Dishes - some done
Counter - done some
Table - done some
Bring P to doc appt. - done
Make dinner if not crockpot night
- Wednesday - ground beef (goulashlike?) mix
- Saturday - Spaghetti
Sort boys' clothes for J, so I can give them to B on Christmas
Look over bills
Answer letters
Figure out how to send receipt (before New Year's)
Pack T2's box
Finish making kid's stuff
Walk once a day - treadmill or outside
Drink water
Bed about 11 pm

December 18, 2006

This week's addition....

I can't believe it. December 19th is tomorrow. I can get rid of this stinkin' event monitor. Some of the times it auto recorded really made me crazy---one night it recorded 3 different times, two while I was sleeping. Okay, I have to admit that I'm not the best when it comes to going to bed when I should. But geesh! Then there are perfectly normal times for my heart rate to go up---like when I was going up the stairs this afternoon. Or when I was hurrying around WalMart getting the kid's Christmas presents today. Both times the thing went off, though it hadn't before. I also hadn't drank much water by either of those times, so that probably helped. :-S I'm proud of myself, I went to bed by 11 last night, and I was asleep soon after. :-D I'm going to go to bed soon here too. I'm taking a bit of a break from weffriddles (too addicting!!!). I've hit a bit of a rough patch, level 51 just isn't working for me, so I'll come back to it in a week or two, so I can give it some time again.

I've got to talk to my brother in law to set up what we are doing for Christmas dinner. And I need to know by Wednesday, 'cause dad's going down to see mom Christmas Eve, and he needs to know what's what so he can make his plans for coming back home accordingly. I figure, even if we don't have the oven, we'll use the crockpot for the meat. Sure, there might be side dishes that we need the oven for....but we'll talk it over. :-)

Well, it seems to help when I have a list to go by. Several of them I want to get done tomorrow, but while writing it, I think it turned into a week thing :-D I figured I'd sit down and work it out now, so I can hit the ground running in the morning. :-)

Shower, brush hair, dress "presentably"
(In no particular order)
Start dinner if in the crockpot
- Tuesday - split pea soup
- Tuesday, take out chicken for next crockpot night (Thursday) and ground beef for Wednesday
- Wednesday, take out pork chops for next crockpot night (Friday)
- my clothes
- towels
- T's clothes
- crocheted items
Bring P to doc appt.
Make dinner if not crockpot night
- Wednesday - ground beef (goulashlike?) mix
- Saturday - Spaghetti
Sort boys' clothes for J, so I can give them to B on Christmas
Look over bills
Answer letters
Figure out how to send receipt (before New Year's)
Pack T2's box
Finish making kid's stuff
Walk once a day - treadmill or outside
Drink water
Bed about 11 pm

I'll add more later :-)

December 07, 2006

Re: Thursday's Adventures

Breakfast - done
Dressed to the socks - done
Put in a load of T's clothes - done
Put some crushed tomatoes, pork chops and some spices into crockpot - done
Fold the towels - done
Fold my clothes
During P's nap
 - 5 minutes of walking on treadmill and/or some Tai Chi (DVD) - the warm up portion of the Tai Chi DVD
Lunch - done
Dishes - in progress
Sweep kitchen floor
Finish addressing family/friends Christmas cards
Fold T's clothes - 1st basket worth folded, second in the dryer :-)
Continue cycling through the loads of T's clothes - doing this.

I also managed not to flip out on the kid here in the trailer park that I can't stand about using our shovel and rake in the snow.  He kept going "well, D said" and "well, G had them".  It doesn't matter, they belong to us.  My daughter's not going to know everything we have, and G has a bad habit of just taking stuff out of our glass enclosed entryway.  If her mom can't even keep her from getting up on counters to get into the cupboards....*ugh*....

I got through the warm up portion of the Tai Chi video.  I'd also like to get into yoga again.  But I'm going to start with Tai Chi.  A fellow high school classmate of mine's dad (may he rest in peace) was a teacher for this.  All you had to do was tell him you wanted to do it, and he'd teach you for free.  He was a jail officer over at Lakeview.  He could sense things blindfolded, etc.  It was real cool.  I got the DVD some years ago, I just only used it once or twice.  I'm hoping to do this every day, then advance further as I get better.  I was able to make it through the learning portions of the Warm Up and a bit of the Form...then I said forget it, and hope to progress to the Form portion next week.  The theme song for The Biggest Loser keeps running threw my head when I think about this.  It's definitely a motivator for me.  That and these crazy heart palpitations :-(

Thursday's Adventures

We'll see if we can keep this up :-)

Dressed to the socks
Put in a load of T's clothes
Put some crushed tomatoes, pork chops and some spices into crockpot
Fold the towels
Fold my clothes
During P's nap
- 5 minutes of walking on treadmill and/or some Tai Chi (DVD)
Sweep kitchen floor
Finish addressing family/friends Christmas cards
Fold T's clothes
Continue cycling through the loads of T's clothes

December 06, 2006

Wednesday's Adventures - updates!!!

Breakfast - done
Dress to socks - done
Fold P's clothes - done
Wash my clothes - done
Gather towels - done
Toss garbage that has collected - done
Reclaim Christmas cards - done
Fold my clothes - tomorrow
Go to Parent's Orientation for Project Know one way or another - done---dad was able to get out of Buffalo in more than enough time to get here just after 6:30 :-)

Looks like I did good today :-D  I'll have one up for tomorrow shortly :-)

December 05, 2006

Wednesday's Adventures

Well, since it seems to have worked so well for me today, I'm going to set one up for tomorrow while I'm thinking about it. :-)

So, tomorrow I intend to....

Dress to socks
Fold P's clothes
Wash my clothes
Gather towels
Toss garbage that has collected
Reclaim Christmas cards (long story short, P got ahold of them yesterday. Took them out of their envelopes. Only managed to rip one envelope. The card to T's grandma!!!)
Fold my clothes
Go to Parent's Orientation for Project Know one way or another
That looks about it for now. Now to get my butt to bed!!!

Tuesday's PODA

Lunch for P and I - done
P's clothes - in the washer - in the dryer
My clothes - not yet, but I did fold up all T's clothes (the washroom had started to look like a shambles because of the. Long story short, with P sleeping when he's usually getting ready for work, T just started putting his uniforms and shirts in the washroom so that he didn't wake P up), and collected his together to wash them tomorrow. No need to gather mine---I've already got them in all in my hamper. I'm the only one who's internalized that idea. :-| (moved to tomorrow)
Trash out - after I get D from G S (moved to tomorrow)
Finish mail prep - probably this evening - only did this and some dishes. :-| I've got to get P to bed, so hopefully before I go to bed I can get his clothes to the dryer, T's clothes in the dryer folded and the dishes finished. - finished mail, dishes, and folded T's clothes in the dryer :-)

Just gotta dump the liquid left over from the chicken in the crockpot, then take my shower and go to bed. I'll start up a PODA for tomorrow. :-) Take care!