Breakfast - done (TW)
Shower, brush hair, dress "presentably" - done (TW)
(In no particular order)
Start dinner if in the crockpot
- Tuesday - split pea soup - done (T)
- Tuesday, take out chicken for next crockpot night (Thursday) and ground beef for
Wednesday - (done T) Gotta figure out if the chicken will fit in my smaller crockpot, as my slightly larger one seems to have bit the dust. It did NOT cook the pea soup like it's supposed to :-(
- Wednesday, take out pork chops for next crockpot night (Friday)
- my clothes - w,d
- towels - w,d
- T's clothes - gotta collect, when P gets up
- crocheted items - collecting, just have to finish the bear and the angel scrubbie if I decide to make it. It's a fairly quick project to do.
Dishes - in progress
Counter - nearly done
Table - clearer than it was yesterday
Desk - cleared/organized
Bring Padraic to doc appt. - done
Make dinner if not crockpot night
- Wednesday - ground beef (goulashlike?) mix
- Saturday - Spaghetti
Bucket - sorted a bunch out
Sort boys' clothes for J, so I can give them to B on Christmas
Look over bills - this week's have been written and prepped for paying. I've also figured out how I will take care of the nonrent bill next week (as long as I can hold on to my savings)
Answer letters - T2's the only one I have to answer as of right now, and that's started. I'll finish it tonight, about when I pack the box for them :-)
Figure out how to send receipt (before New Year's)
Pack T2's box
Finish making kid's stuff
Walk once a day - treadmill or outside
Drink water
Shower, brush hair, dress "presentably" - done (TW)
(In no particular order)
Start dinner if in the crockpot
- Tuesday - split pea soup - done (T)
- Tuesday, take out chicken for next crockpot night (Thursday) and ground beef for
Wednesday - (done T) Gotta figure out if the chicken will fit in my smaller crockpot, as my slightly larger one seems to have bit the dust. It did NOT cook the pea soup like it's supposed to :-(
- Wednesday, take out pork chops for next crockpot night (Friday)
- my clothes - w,d
- towels - w,d
- T's clothes - gotta collect, when P gets up
- crocheted items - collecting, just have to finish the bear and the angel scrubbie if I decide to make it. It's a fairly quick project to do.
Dishes - in progress
Counter - nearly done
Table - clearer than it was yesterday
Desk - cleared/organized
Bring Padraic to doc appt. - done
Make dinner if not crockpot night
- Wednesday - ground beef (goulashlike?) mix
- Saturday - Spaghetti
Bucket - sorted a bunch out
Sort boys' clothes for J, so I can give them to B on Christmas
Look over bills - this week's have been written and prepped for paying. I've also figured out how I will take care of the nonrent bill next week (as long as I can hold on to my savings)
Answer letters - T2's the only one I have to answer as of right now, and that's started. I'll finish it tonight, about when I pack the box for them :-)
Figure out how to send receipt (before New Year's)
Pack T2's box
Finish making kid's stuff
Walk once a day - treadmill or outside
Drink water
Bed about 11 pm - okay, so last night it was by 12am. I've definitely got to get to bed by 11/11:30, I feel better then!