Tomorrow is Sunday. If a year ago you had told me that (a) I was looking forward to going to church and (b) I was blogging regularly (or what could pass as such), AND (c) reading (I'm on my third Wendy Corsi Staub/Wendy Markham book in a month) insatibly, then I would have told you you were crazy. Any one of them would be reason enough for hell to freeze over. But all 3??? Where would I find the time? What would P be getting into while I was off having such amazing fun? Especially going to church---letting someone else take care of him or spending more than a few minutes without him was unthinkable. Heck, it wasn't easy in September when I insisted the family start going to church again (I wasn't at all surprised to find D loves it :-D), because P suffered from a lot of separation anxiety---but we both got over it, and we both now enjoy ourselves in our separate ventures in the church (which also includes MOPS every couple of weeks), so it's all good!!!
So, if you would like to see what all the buzz is about, follow me on over to Busy Dad's blog, and come join in the fun. (Go here or click the icon in the sidebar to your right :-D). If you're already in on the party, give me a holla! :-D
1 comment:
And Hellooooo to you too! Hope you are having a good weekend and that all your plans turn out.
Blog Hoppin'
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