Is that with my site I want it to be different than other ones out there, yet still have it relevant. I was considering earlier, while thinking about my mussing last night, what is it that's so unique about me? Many elements of my personality are "normal," I'm not unlike lots of other people. I mean, it has occurred to me, what's so special about me that I need to have a blog? Who, outside of my own friends and family, really cares about what goes on in my everyday life, what I do day in and day out, what a struggle things like doing housework or dealing with my weight loss is for me? Who cares? What makes ME so special? Yeah yeah yeah, you'll give me the whole spheale (??) that I'm a unique person with unique talents, and all that garbage, and that's what makes me special---but what is it about me that's really different? It sorta makes you feel really small when I realize you're one of many---millions of parents, sisters, daughters, wives, friends, redheads, crocheters, writers, Weight Watchers members, book readers, Harry Potter fans, WNYers, country music listeners, gripers (everyone has something to gripe about), people in debt, SAHMs, computer users, drivers, college graduates, Mia Bella Distributors, consumers....
Is it the combination of all the things I am that makes me unique? What is it????? I'm again feeling very lost and small. I guess I'm stuck again :-\
One more thing....