Well, I didn't totally complete my PODA of the other day (was it just yesterday really? wow...), but I did pretty good. The house isn't in total shambles, but it's not perfectly put together. T ended up doing the dishes for me, because they had gotten overwhelming---he does that sometimes, sees them there so long that he does them all. He's got a way that includes shining the sink, in a condensed version (no wiping the sink down after cleaning it out), and he manages to get them ALL done fairly quickly. I think he can handle the heat of the water better for one thing, and I think this time it was in part because he had actually dirtied a lot of them himself making a cheesecake (not a guilt thing at all...there have been too many times he's gone and made a mess of the kitchen and I'm the lucky one to go back and do it all---with no complaints), and in part because his friend from work who might just be a BO---or just a single guy---was coming over to try a piece of the cheesecake. The guy is out on vacation/medical leave for a surgery on his carpal tunnel/whatever else it is (I forget right now).
I think P might just be getting over whatever it is that he has. This morning he woke up with his pillow damp, and even when he was off his meds (you know, when he had gotten to the hour where it was just wearing off), he wasn't as hot as he has been the last couple days. I'm not sure about that thermometer sometimes...but I'm sure he's getting better. He also had a piece more energy both on and off the meds. :-)
I had a start a couple times today realizing that TOMORROW MY LITTLE BOY'S 2!!!!! He's still my baby--and he's still not nursing much because of his nose. I'm hoping he will come back just like a champ when his congestion clears up---but then I guess I'll have to face it if he doesn't. I know he still loves it though....and is mommy's little man no matter what :-) I'm in the middle of making cupcakes for his birthday cake. I have to do it now because I have a funeral to go to tomorrow. He can't be coming with, in part just because it's a funeral---he'll be here most of the day tomorrow with daddy and big sis (which he won't mind at all :-)), while my dad and I will be down in Ackley (think the same road Bucky came down in the same church he passed in that squad car!) with the family. I hope to come home soon, just because I'm so uncomfortable being that far away from my baby for that long. I've not been away from him longer than maybe an hour or two. This will be hard---dad's coming at 9:30 to pick me up, the funeral's at 11, and we have to stop off at WalMart so dad and I can figure out P's birthday present. I bought some stuff last time we were up there in the Orchard Park/McKinley Mall area, now I just have to figure out D's present. Maybe it will be an IOU for a gift card, or for all the shorts and shirts I'm going to make her this summer!!!! This month is short....that's what the candle biz is for in the long run!!!!!
Oh, got my new biz cards and the cards I'm going to be sending out to realtors around here yesterday. D found them as whoever dropped them off put them on the porch. I don't think it was our favorite/usual postal carrier yesterday. But I can't make up any with scent samples yet because the baggies that T ordered off ebay before were TOO SMALL. That's okay, he ordered another set now that we know the right size, and they should get here quickly :-D I've got a melted Bella Bun shredded already!!! :-) Then I will do this month's Candle of the Month (Blueberry Cobbler!!!!!).