Dishes (isn't it always?) - M
- Monday - kid's - D
- Tuesday - mine - P's is in
- Wednesday - T's
- Thursday & Friday - collect up anything else
- Monday - pork chops in the crockpot - done
- Tuesday - cream chipped beef (buy a toaster first. Long story) - changed to crockpot chili - will get the toaster and make this maybe Friday
- Wednesday - Friday - gotta figure this out
Prep rent check
Post office prep
- fix/make any swaps that still need to be packaged
- hope that I finally get the payment for the stuff I'm going to send T3 so I can send all I need to
- drop stuff off at the post office
Phone calls
- P's 2 yr - made
- Eye appointments for everyone (mine 1st because I NEED new glasses - and now we have vision coverage. REALLY GOOD vision coverage!!! :-D) - all 3 made
- Gyn appt. - just as I thought, with the problem :-( guess I need to get on the paper work :-(
- GP about event monitor/palpitations (I've had very FEW since I used that thing!!!)
- candle biz
- college loan consolidation