It's been a while since I wrote here, and the last really shouldn't count because I just posted a link.
I've been working my tail off still. I've almost got my inner entryway to my liking. My living room pretty much is, though it would be nice if people would stop putting things on my mantel all the time (really only one person...). My kitchen is really good, though right now my counter seems to be over populated by containers (for uncooked macaroni, marked down Halloween candy, other food containers, my oven mitts, the re-enameled microwave, etc etc. Maybe I should put the food containers in the lazy susan with the others...what a *great* idea! LOL!). My dishes are washed--frankly, the only way I will *shine* my sink! My table is cleared off and, a new feature, positioned in the almost middle of the floor. Works well there, too! :-) We've eaten dinner at the kitchen table as a family almost every day for most of the last month plus. We used to eat in the living room, in front of the tv. I can't say it always ends well, but most of the time we get along and have an okay time. :-) My computer room still needs a little work, but I've got it pretty good really. My futon has been cleared off for a few weeks. I've got things that need to go upstairs and things I'm going to need to bring down and bring out.
But I think things are going really well. I wouldn't LIKE bringing the people who are going to be doing the park inspection later in the month in with the house like it is, but I would let them. I want to get it so I feel better about that idea.
My only problem is getting to better at a decent time. I'm going to go take a shower and then go to bed as soon as I'm done here. Okay, maybe a little computer time, but not much!!!