May 23, 2006

Monday's Milage Markoff 2 and Tuesday's Fun

- vac (needs it anyway) - done (swept the kitchen too)
- garbage (almost done already, LOL) - pretty much done
- change sheets (after T gets out of the bed!!!)
- grab the duster :-D - done
- polish mirrors and doors....hmmm - yup, just had to find the windex!
Fold/wash more of T's clothes - almost done
Declutter my desk - done
Go to teeth cleaning appt. - done
Change sheets - done
Fold T & P's clothes - done
Dishes - done

Enough with the alliteration. :-P Yesterday went fairly well. I even did the Mission. I made today's list last night. But, I've got more than the usual stuff---I'm also going to make my husband a birthday cake. So I'm going to have to run to the store to get the frosting that I forgot yesterday :-\ Oh well. :-) Today's list....

Fly Mission
Fold T underwear and the sheets
Wash & Fold my clothes
Get out a 3 ring for my "How Harry Met Sally's" (connections of who, what, where, when, why for stories)
Kage Baker info for "obit"
Make cake
Get frosting
Dinner = something for T---maybe steak? we'll see