I've decided I'd try to get this house in order. Something I've known of for a while, tried before but had no success because I didn't think I had time for, and decided to try again is Flylady. I've got to make a committment to this. But if I can make a committment to my husband again, then I can make a committment to my house. Baby steps. For me, a big one is keeping my living room halfway decent. Right now, I have to vaccum (will when the little one gets back up), but the floor is clear in there. My clothes are folded, as are my son's---they are still in the basket---but it's a miracle they are folded!!! My desk is cleaned off. I have a list of things I'm going to do. I'll share here. I have to get off here so I can start about 4 of them before my son wakes back up. I'm going to start posting my lists for the day on here, so I can keep myself in check. I post them to the Flying groups I'm on, besides Flylady's main one...
Wish me luck!
List for November 2nd, 2005
Vaccum floor
get garbage
sort drawers in computer room
hit wm for diapers, maybe fancy paper for B's letter (if none in drawers)
B's letter
hit po to send rent check (certified) and other pieces
look over finances for Nov.
more time in box?
write 5 min---something at least